Is ‘Silhouette Soft’ the new Botox?….

I love keeping track of the ‘beauty industry’ abroad. The FDA limits what can/cannot be used here, much like what we can/cannot eat but that’s another story.

For example, in Europe, they have over 50 dermal fillers. The United States has less than 10. I’m actually fine with that. How do you choose out of 50 dermal fillers which one is the best for your patients?

On the other hand, it allows for ‘questionable creativity’ in my mind.

Take Silhouette Soft for example. Dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh, noted cosmetic facial surgeon to the royals and stars, has created this amazing 30 minute treatment that redefines, restores and reduces wrinkles, and lasts up to 18 months. He states that his new treatment is ‘as big and important as Botox was seven years ago’ and has been offering the treatment for 14 months in his Paris and London clinics for ~ £1,200 ($2037).

‘It really looks chic,’ he said of the 30-minute treatment. ‘It restores fat to the right place, with the right tension. It provides volume, but not too much. Not like all these weird faces we see puffed up like balloons.’ Intrigued, I read on….’the Silhouette Soft Lift is a bidirectional, bioresorbable suture (Poli Lactic Acid) with’…….wait – what??? Poli Lactic Acid? Sound familiar? It should.


Available here in the U.S. for a lot less with longer lasting results. As always, do your homework.

Until next time….



How to get your eyebrows back….

There are many reasons why our eyebrows become thinner – age, hypothyroidism, eczema, or vitamin deficiencies are just a few. Over the years there have been few options of replacing them – penciling, powders or tattooing – but now we have choices.

Eyebrow transplant – similar to the hair transplant, the eyebrow transplant takes a strip of hair from the back of the head of the donor (you). They remove the hair follicles from the skin and then transplant them into small incisions made in the eyebrows. New hair will grow on average between 2-3 months after the procedure. As always, do your homework before paying just anyone to perform this intricate procedure.

Latisse – known for growing eyelashes, Latisse will also promote growth in the brow region. Apply daily and you’ll be seeing results in 3-4 weeks.

Eyebrow extensions – tiny hairs (either real or synthetic) are glued directly onto eyebrow hairs or to the skin to fill in gaps and thicken the eyebrows. This is very similar to eyelash extensions and lasts 7-14 days. Available on-line or in salons.

Eyebrow wigs – or lace front eyebrows. Hairs are sewn into a lace-like material and then are glued over your brow. Available on-line, in salons or view YouTube for a DIY eyebrow wig.

Until next time….


Voluma vs Sculptra – which one is right for you?





There has been a lot of talk lately about the new darling on the block – Juvederm Voluma XC – and confusion as to which product is better – Juvederm Voluma XC or Sculptra Aesthetic? The easiest place to start is a side by side comparison.

What are they made of?

Juvederm Voluma XC – made of natural hyaluronic acid (HA). It was developed to be smoother than other hyaluronic acid fillers, making it easier to inject during treatment and resulting in a smooth, natural look and feel.

Sculptra Aesthetic – is made of a synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which works to replace lost collagen. Poly-L-lactic acid is safe, naturally absorbed by the body and has been used for years in dissolvable stitches.

What is it best used for?

Juvederm Voluma XC – this is a dermal filler and very similar to it’s sister product – Juvederm. It was recently FDA-approved as the first injectable filler specifically formulated to contour and shape the cheeks to correct mid-face volume lost to normal aging.

Sculptra Aesthetic – this is a volumizer. FDA approved in 2009, it is the first facial injectable that can give you noticeable ‘global’ results that emerge subtly and naturally. It works by replacing lost collagen by stimulating your own collagen growth in the entire face (except forehead, directly under the eyes and directly into the lips).

How long will it last?

Juvederm Voluma XC – 2 years or longer, with two-thirds of patients maintaining results at 24 months.

Sculptra Aesthetic – 2 years or longer, with 80% of patients satisfied at 25 months.

How much does it cost – I used for help on this one. Prices vary for both products depending upon the region of the country you are in. As always, don’t bargain shop when looking for someone to inject you.

Juvderm Voluma XC – $1350 per syringe. Generally, a cheek augmentation takes 2 syringes. Remember, as with any dermal filler you will need multiple treatments over years.

Sculptra Aesthetic – $1775 requiring typically 3 sessions, 2 vials each 4-6 weeks. While you are paying ‘up front’ for this product, you typically will not need further treatments for 2-5 years.

Which one is best for me?

As with any dermal filler, if you are looking for instant gratification in the mid-face/cheek area go with Juvederm Voluma XC.

If you are looking for a gradual, natural you and don’t mind waiting 4-12 weeks to see results in the entire face, then Sculptra Aesthetic is the best choice.

Until next time….

Scultpra – a bit like being Dorian Gray……

Dorian Gray

I started having dermal fillers back in late 1990’s. I was training in California when one of the physicians offered to ‘define my lip line’ with collagen. Unable to resist, I arrived back in Michigan with fuller lips and a new addiction.

Since then, I have tried just about every dermal filler out there – Restylane to Radiesse – all with great outcomes. The downside to dermal fillers – the need to repeat it in 6-12 months.

The first time I heard about Sculptra was 2004 in Philadelphia. I listened intently as two physicians (on the FDA advisory panel for Sculptra) discussed this volumizer and remember thinking how sci-fi this sounded. It wasn’t until 2009 that it was actually available for cosmetic use and it has been stalking the dermal fillers ever since.

Usually, I am up for just about any procedure, but warming up to this product took some time and convincing (thank you Dr. K!). I was crazy nervous for my first session, but in less than an hour, (with little/no discomfort, a bit of swelling, no sign of bruising) I was excited to see what Sculptra would do for me. My second session (4 weeks later), was even easier than the first.

The main thing about Sculptra is that takes time to see results. Injected into the fat below the skin, it stimulates our bodies to make collagen. This collagen growth is gradual and happens over approximately 2 months.

I was so use to the ‘instant gratification’ of dermal fillers that 8 weeks post my first treatment I started to doubt that it was for me. It wasn’t until the obligatory pictures over the holidays that I noticed something was different – I actually liked how I looked in a picture! How could this be – having read every way to take a good photo and never succeeding – that I actually loved what I saw? It was me, only better! Sculptra….my new bff.

I have one more session to go (amount injected is based on age, volume loss and desired outcome) and then I am finished with fillers/volumizers for 2-5 years (except for the occasional lip plumping, of course!). And don’t get me wrong, there is a huge market for dermal fillers and there always will be. Sculptra just gives us more options.

I now feel a bit like Dorian Gray, but without the painting.

Until next time……