Don’t let your hands show your age….


You take care of the skin on your face, why not your hands? They are the first part of the body to show signs of aging and once they do, it is hard to hide them.

It isn’t too late to do something about them. Here are some tips –

Use a good hand cream overnight.

When applying your daily sunblock to your face and neck, put some on your hands as well.

Use an anti-aging product on them. Think Retin-A or glycolic acid. You can do this before bedtime and put your hand cream right over the top of the treatment.

Have an IPL to remove the brown spots or a pixel laser treatment to restore collagen. More than one treatment may be necessary.

Replace lost volume with a dermal filler. In less than an hour, you can have youthful looking hands without prominent veins and ligaments showing.

Until next time….

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